Welcome to Liberty Chapel

The little white chapel on the hill with a rich history of unity and hope in the Lord.
When you’re here, you’re amongst family.

Scroll to read our history and what we believe.

Our Story

1835- A calling from the Lord

In 1835, Liberty Christian began to meet in a log cabin across the road from our current location. A group of 8 local citizens saw the need for Christian fellowship. The group built their first building five years later on land donated to the church; the Liberty cemetery occupies that land now. No one is quite sure when the first building was built at our present location.

1947- Unity in the name of the Lord

Diagonally across the country block, Robert’s Chapel Methodist Church originated around 1842. It was renovated, moved from one intersection corner to the other, as was the Christian Church. Clark’s Chapel was built in 1854 south of Liberty Christian. It disbanded in 1866 and merged with Robert’s Methodist. Both Liberty Christian and Robert’s Methodist were struggling when they united in 1947. Liberty Christian had a few members and an adequate building, so Robert’s Methodist brought its group over and became Liberty Chapel Methodist Church. This merger came about after many meetings and discussions. Robert’s Methodist brought over their best building materials and repaired the Liberty building. Still, the group struggled financially and in 1967 requested to be removed from the Methodist conference to become Liberty Chapel, a non-denominational community church.

1983- A new beginning with Village Missions

After being plagued by low attendance, little funding, and finding a pastor increasingly difficult, Liberty Chapel asked to align with Village Missions. 
Village Missions is a cooperative rural faith missionary society, caring for the spiritual needs of rural communities in the United States and Canada. They provide full­time qualified spiritual leadership where there exists a definite need to evangelize and disciple people to Jesus by the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel. The model is servant leadership earning the right to be heard by “Preaching the Word and Loving the people”. The first Village Missionaries (Allen and Ramona Sparks) arrived in 1983. By 1992 Liberty Chapel had become self-supporting and purchased a parsonage in Waynetown. 

1996- Exciting Additions

The Liberty Chapel congregation broke ground on July 15, 1996, to mark the beginning of construction for an addition to the building, an extension to the sanctuary, a ground-floor fellowship hall, kitchen and bathrooms, and basement-level classrooms. The new facilities were dedicated on August 15, 1999.

2010- Celebrating 175 years of God’s faithfulness

Liberty Chapel celebrated its’ 175th birthday in July 2010, looking back at our heritage and looking ahead at our ministry in this community. 

2022- Uniting two churches once again

For almost two centuries, our church has fearlessly and unremittingly advocated true Christian Character as the test of fellowship and brotherly love,  founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ. This holds true as we once again join two churches together under God (and one roof) by the joining of Liberty Chapel and Crawfordsville Community Church on Sunday, July 31, 2022. We welcome our new pastor, Ryan Threlkeld and his family, along with our brothers and sisters in Christ to this next chapter of life at Liberty! 

Our Vision

To be a church of diverse membership with unity and grace coming from God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible being shared truthfully and honestly. We will glorify God by blending an emphasis on youth with nurturing and appreciating all our members’ wisdom and strength to be a family of faith serving our community.

We’d love for you to be a part of our story

Sunday School – 9:00 AM
Worship Service – 10:00 AM
Fellowship time immediately following service